Fill in the blanks

Why balloons?  Because when they fly away from the hands of four year-olds or get trapped in power lines after a parade, that release can be either tragic or exultant; an inhale or an exhale, a loss or an insight.  Ideas live between those two states: conceived (inhale) and unborn (exhale).  Possibility, this state of being we can sometimes live in.

I’ll share the expanse of my thinking with you if you do the same.


1. Ideas posted will relate to verbs that are creative, additive, and innovative.  In other words, while I could write about things I would change or remove or upend, I will choose instead to direct my thinking towards what I can makeprovide, or fulfill.

2. Posts will be at best a sketch of an idea.  The actual details needed to carry out some of them (see major land acquisition) would require the organizational energies of many people, while the resources for others might not, in fact, exist yet.  Any plans for implementation included in a post are a perk.

3. Please comment: what would you change? what premise(s) of the idea do you agree or disagree with? what does the idea make you think of? Comments will be rigorously vetted for civility. 🙂

4. If you make any of these ideas happen, please let me know!  I don’t want credit – although that would be nice – so much as to applaud you and publicize your brilliance.


One thought on “Fill in the blanks

  1. Hi Julia, I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Award! You can read a bit more about what it’s all about here.

    If you’d like to pass it along, write a new post answering the questions I pose in my post here, and nominate 11 other bloggers, asking your own 11 questions. (And if you’d rather not bother, that’s fine too!)

    Looking forward to future posts!

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